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Driving with an expired license due to the printer problem? The insurance question answered

With SA’s driving license card printing machine in for repairs, many drivers are worried about how driving without a valid license card would impact their insurance. Feedback from Auto & General below to answer that question.

According to Ricardo Coetzee, Head of Auto & General Insurance:

" If the customer does not have a valid driver’s licence at the time of the loss, but this was as a result of a purely administrative process that is beyond the control of the customer, as now experienced by many members of the public, then the expired licence will not impact a claim. We do however urge customers to continue in their efforts to renew these licences as soon as possible as legally they are still unlicensed to be on the roads. We look at risk when assessing a claim and an administrative delay does not increase or decrease your risk in operating a vehicle.”

Article featured in Automotive Business review
Photos by Pixabay

